Title: Smart Investing is More than Factors
Date: Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Time: 02:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Duration: 1 hour
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Factor based investing has grown in popularity in the investment world, especially with the expansion of the smart beta exchange traded fund space. VanEck, Morningstar, and ETF Trends will explore a smart investing approach that goes beyond factor investing and other smart beta approaches.
Join Tom Lydon, editor and publisher of ETF Trends, as he moderates a discussion on:
- How did factor investing become so popular?
- What have factors provided investors?
- Looking beyond factors and existing smart beta strategies
- How financial advisors can incorporate a smart equity strategy into a diversified portfolio
No longer accepted for one hour of CFP/CIMA CE credit for live and on-demand attendees
ETF Trends is registered with CFA Institute as an Approved Provider of continuing education programs for CFA members (For live webcast only)
Brandon Rakszawski
Product Manager
Product Manager
Dan Lefkovitz
Content Strategist, Indexes
Morningstar, Inc.
Content Strategist, Indexes
Morningstar, Inc.
Tom Lydon
Editor and Publisher
ETF Trends
Editor and Publisher
ETF Trends