Building Blocks for Your Fixed Income Portfolios
More investors are looking to so-called smart beta or factor-based indexing methodologies to enhance their equity portfolios while diminishing their downside risk exposures. These same practices found in smart beta equity strategies may also be applied to the fixed-income side. In this upcoming webcast, Goldman Sachs Asset Management and ETF Trends will outline what makes smart beta investments tick and consider how factors can work in a fixed-income portfolio to better help investors diversify their bond exposure.
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Tom Lydon, CEO of ETF Trends moderates a discussion on:
- Current views & themes impacting fixed income investors today
- Trading considerations for fixed income ETFs
- How traditional bond indices can be enhanced with smart beta approaches
- Overview of Goldman Sachs' fixed-income factor indexing methodology
- How Goldman Sachs’ fixed income ETFs may be leveraged in the context of today’s environment
- How financial advisors can incorporate a fixed-income factor strategy in a diversified portfolio
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Steve Sachs
Head of Capital Markets, ETFsGoldman Sachs Asset Management
Diana Sands
Vice President, US and Global Fixed IncomeGoldman Sachs Asset Management
Tom Lydon
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