Quality: Most Important Factor for Diets & Stocks?

Much like a diet, there are a number of ways to get the job done beyond the most popular and obvious components. A more complete—but by no means exhaustive—list of metrics to watch for in terms of investing quality is below:

Dimensions Quality Factor

It isn’t just about quality

Anyone who has shopped in the organic section of a supermarket will tell you that quality often doesn’t come cheap. Usually you have to pay up for quality, making value an important factor to consider as well. After all, anyone can build a great diet for an inordinate sum; it is much more of a skill to build one with a more limited budget. In the financial world, a focus on value can help to avoid expensive equities and allocate more to quality names that present attractive choices for long-term gains.

This can be done by analyzing key metrics such as cash flow yieldearnings yield or price-to-sales ratios. By combining these factors and ranking securities that have already passed a strict quality test, you can be more confident that you aren’t just buying any quality names, but tilting towards stocks that are potentially more likely to be worth the money.

Bottom Line

It is possible to build a great diet — or a portfolio — by only considering quality metrics. However, such a focus is likely to result in overpaying for top-notch items. So while one might consider focusing extra on quality, contemplation of the value component is advisable as well.

Combining these ‘nutritional’ building blocks in the equity market can be key to creating a lean and healthy investment plan. It’s simple, really: use discipline when identifying ‘quality’ as well as ‘value’ to create a better portfolio.

If only dieting were so easy!

For more on investing with factors, make sure to check out our guide and videos on this topic: Factor Investing Explained.