5 Best College Majors for Robotics

A degree in design and technology helps the prospective robotics engineer understand the practical side of robotics. These fields include product design, graphic communication and technological studies and manufacturing.

5. Computing and Programming

Computing and programming experts help design and develop new technology and approaches to implementing existing technology to improve and create new theories and models.

Computing and programming experts can work with electrical engineers and computer hardware engineers to design programs to control robots. They can explore issues in computing and develop theories to address them. These theories and solutions can help ensure the software within robots is as close to flawless as possible.

Computing and programming professionals work closely with scientists and engineers to address these problems. They could also invent new computing languages and tools to help improve technologies such as artificial intelligence and robots.

The Important of Diverse Knowledge and Experience

While these five majors are the best for those wishing to pursue a career in robotics, there is not one major or area of study that has all of the answers. Design and technology experts need to know some mathematics and computer science to be successful in robotics. Mechanical engineers need to understand a bit of computer science.

While schooling is a crucial aspect of becoming a robotics engineer, internships and jobs are other essential steps. Without having the opportunity to put your knowledge into practice, throwing yourself into the robotics field will most likely lead to failure.

Many schools and engineering programs connect students with internships and jobs to give them the opportunity to learn and grow and decide if robotics is something they’d like to pursue.

NASA robotics professionals recommend students get hands-on experience with robots. Becoming familiar with robots first-hand is essential to help with both the in-class understanding of robotics and to help students narrow down which parts of robotics interest them the most. For example, maybe a programmer gets hands-on experience and decides they want to work in the mechanical side of things.

Experience doesn’t have to just come from professional internships or jobs.

Many high school and colleges offer the opportunity to enter robotics competitions or join robotics clubs.

The key is to study hard and complement that knowledge with hands-on activities and by working alongside professionals.

This article was republished with permission from Robotiq.