Mark Cuban’s Early Life and His 3-Step Formula for Success

Cuban continues by explaining, “Nobody quits anything they are good at because it is fun to be good. It is fun to be one of the best… But in order to be one of the best, you have to put in effort. So don’t follow your passions, follow your effort.”

Target the right industry

The industry in which you apply your skill set is just as important as your skills themselves, according to Cuban. Cuban’s career serves as a great example for his own advice, as he realized through a college computer class he took that he was skilled in programming. That is when he knew to join the tech industry and apply his computer skills.

Mark Cuban 2005

Mark Cuban at the Web 2.0 Conference 2005

“Work like someone’s spending 24 hours to take it all away from you”

Cuban advises outworking everybody to the best of your ability: “If you outwork everybody, if you try to be a little smarter than everybody, if you try to be a better salesperson than everybody, if you try to be better prepared than everybody, you’ve got your best chance.”

What’s one way of doing of outworking others? Learning about and expanding your knowledge of the field or industry. Cuban writes in his blog post that, “Most people won’t put in the time to get a knowledge advantage… I read more than 3 hours almost every day” because “it gives me a level of comfort and confidence in my businesses.”

“Work like someone’s spending 24 hours to take it all away from you.”

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