Marketing a Niche ETF Can Involve Lots of Explanation | ETF Trends

Have you ever wondered how a firm markets and generates interest in a specific niche exchange traded fund (ETF) that does not associate itself with broad-based indexes?

Ed McRedmond, senior vice president of PowerShares, explains that generating advisor interest and asset growth at Invesco’s ETF arena involves deploying product specialists. Ignites reports that this also involves leveraging parent companies resources and putting an emphasis on value-added educational programs.

PowerShares has 23 ETF specialists who are dedicated to working with advisors and institutional investors on a daily basis. They work on ETF education, practice management and research/methodologies used to make up the index. This area has become one of the more important areas since many of the mainstay passive indexes have given way to second and third generation indexes, based on rules and research.

Along with this, firms are putting on monthly education events and webcasts that feature new ETFs or themes.

In fact, many firms provide ETF education programs these days, not only to give insight into a new offering, but also to shed some light on the industry or global region they cover.

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