As the markets ebb and flow, financial advisors can look to an all terrain exchange traded fund investment strategy to diminish pullbacks and still capture the upside.
On the recent webcast (available on-demand for CE Credit), All Terrain ETF Investment Strategies for 2017, Jerry Wagner, President and Founder of Flexible Plan Investments, explained that an all terrain strategy can help financial advisors handle potholes in the road through today’s volatile financial markets, reduce volatility and carve a narrow path through the financial forest.
Metaphors aside, the Flexible Plan Investment’s All-Terrain investing separately managed account service targets non-correlated asset classes through exchange traded funds to help advisors and clients diminish the negative effects of market volatility.
“Flexible Plan’s All-Terrain strategies seek to smooth the ride in rough investment landscapes,” Wagner said. They are “designed to provide protection in volatile markets while delivering absolute-return strategies for all market environments.”
Wagner pointed to some non-correlated assets, like gold and Treasury bonds, that have helped buoy a portfolio in case of a downturn in global equities.