Emerging market equities are moving out of their slump, and with exchange traded funds, investors can also cherry pick outperforming areas and investment styles.
The iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ETF (NYSEArca: EEM) has been a typical go-to investment tool for many investors as a way to gain market exposure to developing economies. EEM has gained 4.1% over the past month and 8.5% over the last three months.
Emerging market stocks experienced a sell-off earlier as investors speculated on an end to easy money. However, the Fed’s decision to keep accommodative measures unchanged has helped emerging stocks rally. [An Emerging Market ETF for an Income-Oriented Investor]
“We are becoming more positive, but are not convinced we have yet reached a clear turning point for emerging market assets,” John Stopford, head of fixed income at Investec Asset Management, said in an Emerging Markets article. “We are getting to the point where the sell-off has created more value in equity markets, and it’s a better entry point.”
Stopford, though, pointed to “a difficult transition for emerging market growth”
ETF investors can also consider value and growth investment styles to further customize their portfolios.
The iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Value ETF (NYSEArca: EVAL) , on the other hand, tracks value-oriented emerging market stocks. Value stocks traded lower relative to its fundamentals, such as dividends, earnings or sales. Value investors believe that these stocks have a better chance to outperform as the market rights itself.
EVAL tracks 432 companies, and the top holdings include China Mobile 3.5%, Gazprom 2.9% and China Construction 2.9%. Top sectors include financials 30.1%, energy 17.4% and materials 14.2%.