Investors Flocking to Emerging Market ETFs

From an underlying “top holdings” portfolio perspective, EEM’s country breakdown looks like the following: China, 17.78%, South Korea 14.83%, Brazil 11.97%, Taiwan 10.72%, and South Africa 7.76%, so it makes sense for the single country ETFs that track these countries to remain in our focus as well from both a technical as well as fund flows standpoint.

Funds to watch include the following: FXI (iShares FTSE China 25 Index, Expense Ratio 0.72%), EWY (iShares MSCI South Korea, Expense Ratio 0.59%), EWZ (iShares MSCI Brazil, Expense Ratio 0.59%), EWT (iShares MSCI Taiwan, Expense Ratio 0.59%), and EZA (iShares MSCI South Africa, Expense Ratio 0.59%).

iShares MSCI Emerging Markets

For more information on Street One ETF research and ETF trade execution/liquidity services, contact Paul Weisbruch at [email protected].