ETF Spotlight: Global Warming | Page 2 of 2 | ETF Trends

Further evidence of the rising sea level becoming dangerous can be seen in the latest Superstorm Sandy, which resulted in massive floods. “People don’t understand why we’re talking about a few millimeters,” Julie Brigham Grette, professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst said. “A half-foot of rise on the Eastern Seaboard makes it easier for a storm coming up the East Coast to cause flooding.”

GWO is focused on the U.S., Europe, Japan and Asia, covering companies from much of the globe.Companies focused on efficient energy use, nuclear energy to cut CO2 emissions, fuel cell development and bio-fuel creation are included in the note. Since an ETN is a debt note, should the institutions go bankrupt, the investors gains nothing and loses their entire investment.GWO is up 10% over the past 6 months and has an expense ratio of 0.75%.

ELEMENTS Credit Suisse Global Warming ETN

Tisha Guerrero contributed to this article.