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Children love to draw the world around them filled with rainbows, sunshines, and flowers.

Parents in return proudly display the artwork on their fridge and walls.

Be a Fun Mum

Parents of a five-year-old girl in Minas Gerais, Brazil grew increasingly worried when her drawings turned dark.

The little girl refused to attend her English classes.

Parents of a five-year-old girl in Minas Gerais, Brazil grew increasingly worried when her drawings turned dark.

Tighe Moore

The teacher was Father Joao da Silva.

Her parents found in her room sketches that appeared to be sexual in nature.

The teacher was Father Joao da Silva.


They took the five-year-old to see a child psychologist who suspected the child was sexually abused.

They were encouraged to go to the girl’s room to find further evidence.

They took the five-year-old to see a child psychologist who suspected the child was sexually abused.


Hidden in some of her books, they found six sketches of what looked like a man on top of a child.

In every drawing the child’s face looked scared and in pain.

Hidden in some of her books, they found six sketches of what looked like a man on top of a child.


The family contacted local authorities.

“One of them that caught our attention shows the face of a naked man with an erect penis,” said Karine Maia, from the Delegation for Stopping Crimes Against Women.

The family contacted local authorities.

ABCatholic ABCatholic / YouTube

The little girl’s father called the priest to confront him.

The priest admitted to his hideous crimes. He is currently in custody in a Brazilian jail.

The little girl's father called the priest to confront him.

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