Israel ETF Sports Lowest Price-to-Earnings Ratio | Page 2 of 2 | ETF Trends

Other companies that are represented include Israel Chemicals (10.79%), Mellanox Technologies Ltd. (7.65%), Bank Hapoalim B.M. (7.21%).

What we find interesting in addition to the low P/E valuation of the index/ETF, as well as the impressive recent performance, the fund is reasonably well balanced in terms of its exposure to companies of different market caps. For instance, currently, 38% of the portfolio is devoted to mid-cap names, where as 28% is carved out for microcap and small cap names. Finally, about 33% of the entire portfolio is in the Mega/Large Caps space.

iShares MSCI Israel

For more information on Street One ETF research and ETF trade execution/liquidity services, contact Paul Weisbruch at [email protected].