The Next Wave of Digital Revolution Has Begun:
The Rise of Emerging Markets
Digitization of the developing world has reached an inflection point. The conditions and technology that revolutionized Silicon Valley have now spread, evolved, and matured worldwide, creating billions of digital natives and numerous unicorns in all corners of the globe. With emerging markets swelling middle class of youthful digitized consumers at its back, numerous unicorns have emerged that are now poised to go public as the golden age of digitization begins for the developing world.
In this upcoming webcast, join ETF Trends and Kevin T. Carter, CIO and Founder of EMQQ & FMQQ, in a deep dive discussion of these pioneering companies and the fundamental changes taking place in the developing world.

Topics will include:
- The coming great leap forward for a rapidly digitizing India and the IPO wave in 2022
- How investors can capitalize on the “next 5 billion” connected consumers across the developing world
- Explain how McKinsey’s “biggest growth opportunity in the history of capitalism” is now on discount
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Kevin T. Carter
Founder and CIOThe Emerging Markets Internet Ecommerce ETF (EMQQ) & The Next Frontier Internet & Ecommerce ETF (FMQQ)

Suzanne Siracuse
CEO of Suzanne Siracuse ConsultingHost of the Big Reveal Podcast
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