Title: Power Up Your Portfolio with Multi-Factor Investing
Date: Thursday, January 25, 2018
Time: 02:00 PM Eastern Standard Time
Duration: 1 hour
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When investing in strategic beta strategies, are you evaluating a multi-factor investment approach? IndexIQ and ETF Trends dive into the strategic beta space and look to the Chaikin Power Gauge, a multi-factor stock selection tool that may help advisors create a more diversified solution to potentially enhance returns over time.
Join Tom Lydon, Editor and Publisher of ETF Trends, as he moderates a discussion on:
- The case for multi-factor investing
- A look at a multi-factor approach, the Chaikin Power Gauge
- The application of the Chaikin Power Gauge to U.S. equities
- How financial advisors can incorporate a multi-factor strategy into a diversified client portfolio
No longer accepted for one hour of CFP/CIMA CE credit for live and on-demand attendees
Salvatore Bruno
Chief Investment Officer and Managing Director
Chief Investment Officer and Managing Director
Marc Chaikin
Chaikin Analytics
Chaikin Analytics
Tom Lydon
Editor and Publisher
ETF Trends
Editor and Publisher
ETF Trends