Title: Behind the Machines: Investing in Robotics from a Research Perspective
Date: Thursday, June 07, 2018
Time: 12:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Duration: 1 hour
While robotics & artificial intelligence will drive industry disruption like we’ve never seen before, it is far too early to pick the winners and losers. Yet, with carefully crafted research, a diversified robotics portfolio is in reach. In this upcoming webcast, ROBO Global and ETF Trends will explore a behind the machines look, the upcoming players of tomorrow and how advisors can future-proof your clients’ portfolios with disruptive technology.
Tom Lydon, Editor and Publisher of ETF Trends, will moderate a discussion on:
- Overview of Robotics / AI and its growing global impact
- Robotics & A.I. companies driving growth in the industry
- Why AI should matter to advisors
- How financial advisors can incorporate an AI and robotics theme into a diversified portfolio
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Director of Research
ROBO Global
Senior Research Analyst
ROBO Global
Editor and Publisher
ETF Trends