Title: A Practical Guide to Portfolio Construction
Date: Thursday, November 02, 2017
Time: 02:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Duration: 1 hour
Investors who want to build a diversified portfolio to grow their wealth can now look to alternative or factor-based index strategies to focus on investment opportunities across a number of equity market categories.
Join Tom Lydon, editor and publisher of ETF Trends, on November 2nd as he moderates a discussion on new research in equity portfolio construction with John Bryson, head of portfolio consulting, and Steve Deroian, head of ETF strategy, both at John Hancock Investments. Topics will include:
- Balancing active, passive, and multifactor strategic beta in a single portfolio
- Frameworks for asset allocation within the equity style boxes
- Strategies for building portfolios with a targeted cost structure
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ETF Trends is registered with CFA Institute as an Approved Provider of continuing education programs for CFA members (For live webcast only)
Head of Portfolio Consulting
John Hancock Investments
Head of ETF Strategy
John Hancock Investments
Editor and Publisher
ETF Trends