We always remind ourselves that the only thing that all factories have in common is that they’re all different. Learn how you can customize our Insights monitoring software to your production reality, even if your business runs 24 hours a day on many different time zones.
Set shifts and operating times
You can now set your KPIs based on your work shifts, measuring production on your actual schedule instead of a full day on the calendar.
Related: The Robotics Market is Still Booming
Full day vs operating hours
This will determine the robot’s work shifts, counted in hours and days. Those hours are called operating times, which will then be considered in every KPI graph.
Set robot time zone
If you operate in many different time zones, your can now monitor your robots in your facilities all around the world in their own local time and coordinate more easily with your staff on site.
Follow each robot’s progress in its own time zone
Each robot you connect on Insights can now be set in its own time zone, which will affect data display on graphs, operating times and shifts, logs of events and your daily, weekly and monthy reports.
For more trends in robotics, visit the Robotics & AI Channel.