How to Prep a Business for Lean Robotics

Preparation is the path to success for any robot deployment. Here’s how to do it right, in just five steps.

“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.”

So said Alexander Graham Bell and — although we are not all trying to invent the telephone — the success of your robot deployment also hinges on great preparation.

Lean Robotics is a methodology to improve the success of your robot deployment. It guides you through the entire process, including that all-important first “Prepare” phase. Good preparation involves more than just announcing “we’re going to introduce robots” in one team meeting. It requires a well considered, structured introduction into the business before you even order the robot.

In some businesses, a new robot can arrive to a sea of angry faces. Bad feeling within the workforce can build up with unfounded rumors of what the robots will mean to their jobs. However, if you prepare properly, the robot can arrive to smiles and enthusiasm from the workforce. Sound like an impossible dream? Not if you prepare properly!

Involve your team in your lean robotics project!

Step 1 — Personally commit to Lean Robotics

Before you can prepare the business and the team, you have to prepare yourself.

Lean Robotics is more than just a method for designing robotic cells. It involves using the “Lean mindset” which, for some businesses, might be quite different from how machines have been deployed in the past. If you don’t fully commit to this mindset then — and there is no point in sugar-coating this — there is a high chance you will fail to implement Lean Robotics.