If our society is to become even better at helping the vulnerable,we need to get the right data to communicate with each other; analytics recognizes familiar faces that help create a fuller picture of a person for the primary care sector, social services, transportation, education, and housing.
Lately, the media has again been focusing on the debate about how we can do more for society’s vulnerable groups, including children. This is an important debate and an area that we at SAS already have much experience with: when you apply analytics to the right data, something important happens.
We can Use Data to Protect Society’s Most Vulnerable
Our experiences have mostly taught us that we know how to make use of data to protect society’s most vulnerable, who often have needs that involve several public sector systems, such as hospitals, access to health services, access to services in the primary care sector, social services, transportation, education and housing.
Generally, the situation is that the vulnerable individuals are known by government agencies, but there is no comprehensive picture of each individual. Smart use of data and analyses across public sector institutions can create that picture so we can find and help socially vulnerable children and adults before it is too late.
Visionary Collaboration to Solve Health Care Problems
At SAS, we work with these types of solutions in many places around the world, and therefore I think that you can draw inspiration from efforts elsewhere to solve similar problems.
In Nevada, SAS and VirtualHealth entered into a collaboration in spring 2018 that aims to help public institutions in the health care sector to improve care and treatment for individuals and at the same time ensure that public sector costs are reduced. It is expected that there are gains to be made both for the vulnerable and society at large if one manages to coordinate public services not only to improve the state of health of the vulnerable, but also to more effectively make use of insights gained across various sectors.
VirtualHealth is a visionary collaboration between a group of leaders with various backgrounds in industries such as health, technology, finance and telecommunication. They have created a groundbreaking software architecture and, by using modern technologies, overcome complex challenges so that data can now flow without issues between various agencies without the usual siloed thinking. This architecture is used in specialised and collaboration-friendly tools for the health care sector.
VirtualHealth is the leading software as a service platform for health care services and public health. SAS incorporates data management, visualisation and advanced analytic opportunities such as AI and machine learning into VirtualHealth’s integrated management platform.