Unpack the Hottest Trends in Finance at Exchange

The Exchange conference has historically been where advisors can learn about the latest trends and innovations in finance. It is a critical venue for keeping up to date on the ideas and products shaping the industry. In 2025, crypto and disruptive technologies like robotics and AI are primed to drive market news and events.

Crypto Spring

Spot Bitcoin ETFs launched last year. Additionally, the incoming administration has signaled it will be friendly to cryptocurrencies. Accordingly, investors are starting to see cryptocurrencies in a different light. According to VettaFi head of research Todd Rosenbluth, “We have just come off an amazing year for crypto investing, led by soaring prices for bitcoin. Some advisors got their clients exposed to bitcoin via the ETFs that launched in January 2024. However, we believe many others held out voluntarily, or because they had limited access at their firms.”

Last week, Bitwise and VettaFi released The Bitwise/VettaFi 2025 Benchmark Survey of Financial Advisor Attitudes Toward Crypto Assets. The report revealed a shift in investor attitudes towards cryptocurrencies. “Another interesting find in the survey is that, when it comes to areas of concern, volatility of digital assets ranks low in the order of priorities,” said VettaFi’s Cinthia Murphy. “For how much we talk about bitcoin volatility being difficult to stomach, advisors aren’t really worried about that as much as they are about regulation, education, and custody issues.” 

The 2025 Exchange conference, happening March 23–26 in Las Vegas, will provide further insights to investors. Accordingly, those looking to learn about the asset and master it should consider registering for the conference.

The Top-of-Mind Investment Trends

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a hot button topic for a while now, as investors have been interested in its revolutionary potential. Skeptics will point out that though AI has been embraced by corporations and venture capitalists, it has yet to be embraced by consumers. Robotics, meanwhile, shows lots of potential across a number of industries. To best navigate these new and exciting investment trends, investors should seek out thought leaders and experts. Exchange will showcase some of the brightest minds in finance who can help advisors make the best choices possible for their clients. 

Register for the conference here and get ahead of the latest trends, ideas, and products shaping the world of finance.

For more news, information, and analysis, visit VettaFi | ETF Trends.