The End of the “Great Experiment of the Managed Economy”

This economic “now-cast” is further supported by the fact that the Federal Reserve’s December rate hike was well received (in addition to being much anticipated). The Fed said it intends to raise rates three times in 2017, up from its earlier plan of two rate hikes. The rate actions, to paraphrase Fed Chair Janet Yellen, are an endorsement of the health of the economy.

To our way of thinking, we expect to see the central bank and Washington loosening their grips on the reins of managing the economy. What does that mean for equities, fixed income, inflation, commodity prices, and more?

Please read our Outlook 2017 to find out. [To download the PDF, click here]

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The Astor Economic Index® is a proprietary index created by Astor Investment Management LLC. It represents an aggregation of various economic data points: including output and employment indicators. The Astor Economic Index® is designed to track the varying levels of growth within the U.S. economy by analyzing current trends against historical data. The Astor Economic Index® is not an investable product. When investing, there are multiple factors to consider. The Astor Economic Index® should not be used as the sole determining factor for your investment decisions. The Index is based on retroactive data points and may be subject to hindsight bias. There is no guarantee the Index will produce the same results in the future. The Astor Economic Index® is a tool created and used by Astor. All conclusions are those of Astor and are subject to change.