Title: Real Asset Investing for the Real World
Date: Tuesday, May 01, 2018
Time: 02:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Duration: 1 hour
The current environment, characterized by economic growth and heightened inflation expectations, provides an ideal backdrop for investors to consider the benefits of real assets. However, reluctance exists due to the ambiguity of the real assets label and also, concerns related to market cyclicality and volatility. Investors are also often limited by existing strategies in the marketplace that focus on a specialized area within real assets and lack flexibility to adapt to changing market conditions. In this webcast, we’ll examine the current performance drivers of real assets and introduce a new approach which provides exposure to real asset segments with positive expected returns while managing overall portfolio risk.
Join Tom Lydon, Editor and Publisher of ETF Trends as he moderates this discussion on:
- Description of Real Asset Classes
- Why Allocate to Real Assets
- Today’s Supportive Conditions and Market Outlook
- Rules-Based, Optimized Allocation Process to Access Real Assets
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Portfolio Manager and Strategist, Commodities
Portfolio Manager, Managed Allocation Strategy
Editor and Publisher
ETF Trends