Capturing Private Equity Return Drivers
As private equity looks to invest in the companies that they feel will experience growth in the coming years, investors have a chance to capture similar returns if they understand which types of companies are most likely to be targeted by PE.
Join the experts at KraneShares for an educational webcast exploring liquid private equity, return drivers, and how to use ETFs to gain exposure to liquid private equity.

Topics covered will include:
- An overview of liquid private equity.
- An exploration of how to capture private equity return drivers.
- An in-depth investigation of strategies that can harness the key drivers powering private equity buyouts through public stocks.
This program is accepted for one hour of continuing education (CE) credit by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards for the CFP® designation, The Investment and Wealth Institute for CIMA®, CPWA®, RMA®, and CIMC designations, The ETF Institute for the CETF® designation and The American College of Financial Services.
CFA Institute members are encouraged to self-document their continuing professional development activities in their online CE tracker.

John Lidington, CFA
Senior Client Portfolio Manager, Co-Portfolio Manager, Liquid Private Equity AlternativeMan Numeric

Kevin Orr
Head of Strategic PartnershipsKraneShares

Kirsten Chang
Senior Industry AnalystVettaFi
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