Title: Active or Passive? Why You Should Use Both!
Date: Thursday, February 15, 2018
Time: 02:00 PM Eastern Standard Time
Duration: 1 hour
As the equity market rally grows long in the tooth, some investors are pairing actively managed strategies with passive index funds to potentially enhance returns. On this upcoming webinar, State Street Global Advisors and ETF Trends will outline best practices in portfolio construction and look to actively managed strategies to enhance a portfolio consisting of cheap, passive index funds.
Join Tom Lydon, Editor and Publisher of ETF Trends, as he moderates a discussion on:
- The current market condition and outlook for the year
- How to blend active and passive investments
- Considerations when building an efficient, long-term portfolio
- How financial advisors can best incorporate active and passive strategies into a diversified portfolio
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Head of SPDR Americas Research
State Street Global Advisors
President and Chief Investment Officer
Nottingham Advisors
Chief Investment Officer
CLS Investments
Editor and Publisher
ETF Trends