ETF investors looking to get in on the next generation of medical technology may want to give the Global X Genomics & Biotechnology ETF (GNOM) a closer look.

Genomic sequencing is already playing a pivotal role in combating Covid-19. The United Kingdom, in particular, is using the technology to track variants of the virus.

“Britain said on Wednesday it would provide genomic sequencing support to Brazil, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria and Pakistan to help identify, assess and track new variants of the novel coronavirus,” a Reuters report said. “The novel coronavirus, which has killed 4 million people globally since it emerged in China in late 2019, mutates around once every few weeks, slower than influenza or HIV, but enough to require tweaks to vaccines.”

GNOM seeks to provide investment results that correspond generally to the price and yield performance of the Solactive Genomics Index, which is designed to provide exposure to exchange-listed companies that are positioned to benefit from further advances in the field of genomic science and biotechnology, as well as applications thereof, as defined by Solactive AG, the provider of the underlying index.

GNOM gives investors:

  • High Growth Potential: GNOM enables investors to access high growth potential through companies that are positioned to benefit from further advances in the field of genomic science.
  • Targeted Exposure: GNOM provides access to emerging areas within the healthcare sector at the intersection of science and technology.
  • ETF Efficiency: In a single trade, GNOM delivers access to dozens of companies with exposure to the genomics theme.

Global Support for Genomic Sequencing

Worldwide support for using the latest medical tech is spreading globally. The UK’s initiative to provide support to emerging markets shows just how genomics can benefit all economies, large or small.

“Public Health England will extend support to Britain’s partners through the New Variant Assessment Platform Programme which tracks changes in the virus,” the Reuters report added. “About a third of all SARS-CoV-2 sequences submitted to the international GISAID database on influenza viruses have been from the United Kingdom.”

“The UK is a science superpower and it is right we support the worldwide fight against COVID-19,” Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said. “We are sharing the UK’s genomics expertise with Brazil, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Singapore, and the Africa Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, boosting disease surveillance and helping countries identify, track and respond to COVID-19 variants, which are of concern globally.”

For more news and information, visit the Thematic Investing Channel.