, ValueWalk

Activist Insight is pleased to reveal its inaugural quarterly stats pull-out, featuring a greater array of data on activism around the world.

Activism appears to be off to a slower start in 2019 than in previous years, according to data from Activist Insight Online. 295 companies worldwide were publicly subjected to activist demands in the first quarter, the lowest since 2015.


The data are broken out by region, with separate sections for the U.S., Europe, Canada, Asia, and Australia. Highlights are noted on the top right of each slide.

Tables are interactive on desktop, showing both proportional and absolute data.

Activist Insight is also introducing a new characterization for “Impactful Campaigns,” excluding individual shareholders and engagement funds that have merely escalated their regular stewardship responsibilities and are largely focused on corporate governance issues. While these are an increasingly important part of the discussion around shareholder activism, we recognize that some publications prefer to focus on “hedge fund activism,” which is more closely aligned with “Impactful Campaigns.”

If you have any questions or would like to see additional data added to this quarterly update, please contact Josh Black at jblack@activistinsight.com.

About Activist Insight

Since 2012, Activist Insight (www.activistinsight.com) has provided its diverse range of clients with the most comprehensive information on activist investing worldwide. Regularly quoted in the financial press, Activist Insight is the trusted source for data in this evolving space. Activist Insight offers five industry-leading products: Activist Insight Online, Activist Insight Governance, Activist Insight Vulnerability – a tool for identifying potential activist targets – Activist Insight Shorts, and Activist Insight Monthly – the world’s only magazine dedicated to activist investing.

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