The Right Way to Multitask with a Robot

When we try to multitask, our mind actually switches from one task to the other. We don’t notice when we switch tasks, but every time we do it costs us time, makes us more stressed, and lowers the quality of our work.

Robots are a very good option to eliminate these problems of multitasking, but not in the way that the Japanese research suggests. The best way is not to try and control the robot yourself: it’s to just give it some of your work and focus yourself on the value-added tasks.

Five tips to multitask the right way

The myth of multitasking means that there’s only one effective way to achieve two tasks at the same time: give one of the tasks to someone else. If you can give it to a robot, even better!

Here are five tips for effective multitasking with a robot.

1. Be lazy; or, there must be an easier way

One of my favorite quotes about engineering comes from Garfield, the classic comic about the world’s laziest house cat. In this strip, he says: “‘There must be an easier way.’ Many great ideas have been spawned from that noble sentiment. You can bet it wasn’t an exercise freak who invented power steering.”

It’s good to remember this when giving tasks to a robot. If you find yourself doing the same thing over and over again, whether packing boxes into crates or loading and unloading a machine, ask yourself if it’s the best use of your time. There must be an easier way.

If you feel like a task could be performed by a trained monkey, it’s probably a good candidate for a robot.

2. Calculate the value of each task

Not all tasks are equal. Often, you have several to complete, but only one of them is really a “value added” task: one that contributes to features that a customer is willing to pay for. Robots are a great option for necessary but non-value-added tasks.

Some tasks also have low value for you personally. For example, a mentally stimulating task is much more enjoyable than a mundane sorting task.

Work out the value of each of your tasks and give those with low values to the robot.

3. Find repetitive, mundane tasks

When people try to multitask, they often choose things that are repetitive and boring. Yet these are the best tasks for a robot! For instance, packing, polishing, pick and place, and machine tending are all perfect candidates for automation.

See our case-study library for real-life examples of companies that have used collaborative robots for these common tasks.

4. Recognize the myth of “it has to be me”

I think we multitask in part because we believe, incorrectly, “I have to do this job. Nobody else can do it.”

This is often not true. There are many tasks that we can delegate to a robot or another member of our team. This allows the tasks to be achieved simultaneously without compromising the quality of the work.

Recognize the tasks that you actually must perform yourself, and choose others to delegate.

5. Avoid flashy solutions—go for simple and dependable

My issue with the brain-machine study is that it provides a flashy solution to a simple problem. The experiment was fine for a piece of research. However, in the real world, solutions can and should be much simpler.

Adding a robot to your process is a very easy way to achieve two tasks simultaneously. Don’t over-complicate it. Give some of your tasks to a robot and save the more important ones for yourself.