On July 1, Pacer ETFs, an ETF provider, announced the expansion of the Pacer Swan SOS ETF family through its July series. The launch included the Pacer Swan SOS Conservative (July) ETF (PSCJ), the Pacer Swan SOS Moderate (July) ETF (PSMJ), and the Pacer Swan SOS Flex (July) ETF (PSFJ). These funds will provide specific buffers and caps over a 12-month target-outcome period.

Launched in December 2020, the Pacer Swan SOS ETF family aims to provide fixed target investment outcomes by participating in market gains up to a specific cap and utilizing a buffer during down cycles that seek to limit losses. Each ETF within the series has its own structured outcome strategy that allows investors to select the fund best suited for them to mitigate risk.

“With the expansion of this fund series, we hope that we can provide investors with more opportunities to find an ETF that complements their portfolio and continues to grow their capital while minimizing risk,” says Pacer ETFs’ Distributors President Sean O’Hara. “This unique series grants investors an added layer of security through the various caps and buffers specifically designed for each fund.”

Given the instances of volatility, in regards to what makes it a good time to release these funds, O’Hara notes, “With the equity markets at all-time highs, these strategies allow investors to continue to access upside, up to a cap, but mitigate some of the downside risks.”

As far as what sets each of these new funds apart, given the 12-month target outcome and the hopes for these funds in the long-term, O’Hara goes on to explain, “What sets Pacer ETFs offerings apart in the segment of the market are our lower fees and higher caps for the traditional strategies that exist in this space. In addition, we have an option that provides higher caps to the upside with better risk management on the downside up until a certain point, our Flex version. For the vast majority of market corrections and bear markets, this strategy covers the downside better while offering a higher cap to the upside.”

He continues, “Lastly, we have the only truly actively managed fund of fund options in the market, which offers investors and Advisors a scalable, more simple way to incorporate these into portfolios which might provide better downside risk management and even higher upside exposure.”

For more information on Pacer ETFs, please visit PacerETFs.com.