Triple Leveraging the Eventual Growth in Robotics, AI

Robotics and AI have been a hot button topic, particularly when it comes to replacing humans as companies in various sectors look to become more efficient. With the advent of robotics and AI, more companies may be willing to adopt these technologies as they become more advanced, lessening the need for human interaction or labor in some instances.

“While estimated use cases for humanoid robots appear to remain somewhat more limited over the 2018–2022 period under consideration in this report, collectively, a broader range of recent robotics technologies at or near commercialization—including stationary robots, non-humanoid land robots and fully automated aerial drones, in addition to machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence—are attracting significant business interest in adoption,” the report said.

While the displacement of jobs sparks a debate, company executives willing to take on robotics and AI technology are arguing that it will also create jobs. Either way, robotics/AI-focused funds like UBOT could stand to benefit as the technology becomes more widely embraced by the business community.

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