Jamie Dimon on 2020 Election: 'I Think I Can Beat Trump'

Speaking on the current state of political affairs, J.P. Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon didn’t mince words when positing a presidential election showdown against U.S. President Donald Trump, saying that he could beat the current president in a 2020 bid.

“I think I could beat Trump… because I’m as tough as he is, I’m smarter than he is,” said Dimon. “I can’t beat the liberal side of the Democratic party.”

Dimon also took a dig at Trump’s borrowing of millions from his father in order to finance real estate deals.

“And by the way this wealthy New Yorker actually earned his money,” Dimon added. “It wasn’t a gift from Daddy.”

The 62-year-old Dimon has never been one to shy away from speaking his mind, particularly when it comes to topics discussing the improvement of economic growth in the U.S. Dimon has also divulged his thoughts on political topics, such as immigration policy and infrastructure spending, and while Dimon has often been asked about a presidential bid, he has been seemingly definitive on running J.P. Morgan for the next five years.

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