How Google's DeepMind is Using AI to Tackle Climate Change

Whether society wants it or not, robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, or any other type of disruptive technology is the next wave of innovation. Disruptive technology is not relegated to certain sectors as it will permeate into all industries in some form or fashion.

For example, augmented reality is technology comprised of digital images superimposed over the real world, and its use is primed to drive industry growth–industries like real estate and manufacturing are already putting the technology to use in a variety of ways.

Then there are tech giants like Google who are using AI to enhance their existing products or services. However, according to their latest 10-K filing for parent company Alphabet, they acknowledge the pitfalls or dangers of AI.

From Alphabet’s 10-K, filed last week:

“[N]ew products and services, including those that incorporate or utilize artificial intelligence and machine learning, can raise new or exacerbate existing ethical, technological, legal, and other challenges, which may negatively affect our brands and demand for our products and services and adversely affect our revenues and operating results.”

On the flip side, there are instances where AI can do much good.

The video below features Sims Witherspoon, program manager at Google’s DeepMind, which made headlines when it reduced energy required to cool Google Data Centres by 40 per cent. Energy consumption is one of the problems AI can be used for, and DeepMind is working on it.

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