Ex-Google Exec on Elon Musk's Strengths and Flaws

Whether it be bold statements during earnings calls or going private plans announced via Twitter, Elon Musk has never failed to capture the attention of consumers and investors alike. Many have publicly shared their opinions on the Tesla CEO and co-founder, including Kim Scott, a former Google and Apple executive, who shared her thoughts on Musk’s strengths and flaws in a CNBC interview.

Musk has a “refreshingly candid” approach to leadership, observed in his frequent posts on social media. “He is not afraid to be himself, and he’s not afraid to lead,” Scott says.

Musk was especially vocal in April when the electric car company was missing Model 3 sedan production targets, demonstrating a transparent attitude which Scott labels as “admirable.”

“I’m a believer that being honest with problems and engaging directly is a great and powerful thing that more CEOs should do,” says Scott.

Scott also praised Musk for his willingness to take a hands-on approach in leading Tesla. In the company’s fourth quarter call, Musk shared that he would work alongside the production line to “solve problems personally.”