Latest Update on the U.S. Economy | Page 2 of 2 | ETF Trends

In sum, we see the U.S. economy on an encouraging path as industries reopen. It is worth reiterating that we have some distance to travel before the economic damage wrought by the pandemic is retraced – in international macroeconomic parlance, the flows are going the right direction, but the stock is still much too high. Moreover, further fiscal support for consumers and industries will be key to the durability of the recovery and every day that passes without renewed Federal aid will add additional permanence.

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The Astor Economic Index® is a proprietary index created by Astor Investment Management LLC. It represents an aggregation of various economic data points: including output and employment indicators. The Astor Economic Index® is designed to track the varying levels of growth within the U.S. economy by analyzing current trends against historical data. The Astor Economic Index® is not an investable product. When investing, there are multiple factors to consider. The Astor Economic Index® should not be used as the sole determining factor for your investment decisions. The Index is based on retroactive data points and may be subject to hindsight bias. There is no guarantee the Index will produce the same results in the future. The Astor Economic Index® is a tool created and used by Astor. All conclusions are those of Astor and are subject to change.

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