The cryptocurrency space is an increasingly important of the broader financial lexicon and it looks like the academic world is seizing upon that theme.

A recent survey by crytpo exchange Coinbase and Qriously of 50 top global universities indicate a growing number of those schools are offering courses in cryptocurrency.

“Takeaways of the study include finding nearly half, 42%, of the globe’s best universities offer at least one course on either the subject of blockchain or crypto,” according to

Among the U.S. universities offering crypto and blockchain courses, Stanford leads the way with 10 such course offerings, according to the survey. Of the top 11 universities in terms of crypto and blockchain courses offered, three are Ivy League schools – Penn, Harvard and Princeton. Among public institutions, the University of California – Berkeley and the University of California – Los Angeles lead the way with four and three crypto courses, respectively.

Inside The Crypto Survey

“Researchers at Qriously sampled 675 students, 50 international universities, along with interviewing students and professors personally. One business school professor in the United States noted, in a matter of just four years, the amount of students enrolling for his offering on blockchain boomed from an initial 35 to 230, a 6X increase,” reports

Among the myriad issues facing bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is adoption. As in when cryptos will become more widely accepted and used for mainstream activities, such as basic payments and money transfers, on a larger scale.

“A recent university study has endorsed Bitcoin as the next level in the evolution of money. Researchers at Imperial College London believe that cryptocurrencies are poised for mass adoption. The study which was sponsored by eToro examined the barriers to trust and mainstream adoption currently being faced by the emerging cryptocurrency movement,” reports Ethereum World News.

While the aforementioned survey focused on elite universities, data also suggest a wide range of colleges are offering crypto courses.

“Though their ‘analysis found that 42 percent of the top 50 universities offer at least one class on blockchain or cryptocurrency, and 22 percent offer more than one,’ if their findings included already existing courses in crypto, a whopping ’70 percent of universities offer at least one crypto-related class,” according to the survey.

For more information on the cryptocurrency market, visit our Bitcoin category.