Asset managers with an innovative investment idea can partner up in the exchange traded fund industry to market their investment strategies.

ETF Trends’ Tom Lydon recently sat down with Tom Rosedale, Chief Executive Officer at Newfound Financial Innovators, to discuss how Newfound has helped craft strategies by collaborating with another manager.

“In the case, for example, Copeland Capital Management they have fundamental dividend stock pickers,” Rosedale said. “We created a tactical strategy that collaborates with them. We ended up with a tactical strategy that invests in dividend stocks.”

Newfound helps create dynamic, volatility-adjusted momentum models and help asset managers get their strategies out.

“So we focus on the portfolios,” Rosedale added. “For different clients, we do different things. In some cases, we help them with marketing materials, and other cases, we are on the road, meeting with advisors and speaking in seminars on their behalf.”

Watch the video below to see the full interview with Tom Rosedale.

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