While the exchange traded fund space has accumulated $1.7 trillion in assets in the U.S., the industry still has more room to grow as more financial advisors begin to understand and adopt the investment vehicle.

ETF Trends’ Tom Lydon sat down with Joel M. Dickson, senior investment strategist and a principal in Vanguard Investment Strategy Group, to discuss how registered financial advisors are approaching ETFs and what ETFs have to offer.

“The ETF market place is still in the early stages of growth in the financial advisor space,” Dickson said. “We’ve seen large scale adoptions of ETFs that is likely to continue because of things like the move to fee-based advise, the growth of the RIA market and other advisor segments.”

The strategist also goes on in explaining how ETFs work.

“We find that an ETF is in many ways much more operationally easier, straight forward, and still gives you that low cost exposure to the strategies you are trying to achieve,” Dickson added.

Watch the video below to see the full interview with Joel Dickson.

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