When sitting down with a client, financial advisors need to understand that different investors have different investment outlooks across age groups and genders as well.

ETF Trends’ Tom Lydon sat down with Marie Dzanis, senior vice president and head of exchange traded funds sales and servicing at Northern Trust’s FlexShares, at the TD Ameritrade 2014 National Conference to discuss catering investments toward female clients.

“Men and women think about risk, generally, very differently,” Dzanis said. “The architect of their brain are different, in fact complementary. So for example, women tend to define investing in terms of life preservation… men tend to think, generally, around investing in terms of winning, which is a very different outcome.”

For more about engaging executive women, financial advisors can take a look at the FlexShares report, or visit the website for more information.

Watch the video below to see the full interview with Marie Dzanis.

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