In this digital day and age, exchange traded fund providers are taking an active role in social media outlets to engage investors and advisors.

For instance, the @iSharesETFs Twitter handle, with 69,000 followers, has been prolific in providing daily tweets, with around 8,500 “tweets” between Feb. 12 to March 14, Ignites reports.

While there are number account users that randomly tweet, iShares has been consistent in its messages.

“We’re using Twitter to engage more in dialogue with our followers,” Eileen Loustau, head of global social media marketing at BlackRock and iShares, said in the article.

Loustau explains that social media has helped in promoting and amplifying their presence at conferences. Additionally, Twitter has allowed the company to find others who are “engaged with the brand and with what we are saying.”

The Twitter social media platform has allowed money management firms reach a wider audience – the @PIMCO account has 114,000 followers and the@Vanguard_Group has 85,000 followers. [ETF Firms Use Social Media to Reach Younger Investors]

Jeff Latzer, head of mutual fund research at Corporate Insight, explains that on Twitter, companies can reach out to a wider range of people without paying for sponsored posts. Through hastags and a few characters, firms can engage more people that may not have even heard of the company.

According to Julia Binder, director of e-business research at kasina, over 30% of advisors are using Twitter and 17.5% are following an industry expert on Twitter.

If you haven’t already, readers can follow new posts on our twitter account, @ETFTrends.

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Max Chen contributed to this article.