The exchange traded fund (ETF) industry could see another big name enter the space if the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) gives them the go-ahead.

John Hancock, which is owned by Manulife Financial, has filed with the SEC to obtain exemptive relief to launch ETFs. They’re seeking to launch ETFs that will trade on a national U.S. exchange.

Manulife Financial has $362 billion in assets under management as of June 30.

The idea is for 80% of each fund’s assets to to be invested in component securities of an underlying index, while up to 20% would be put into other securities and financial instruments that are not component securities. The filing also noted that the fund could invest in other ETFs, as well.

Beyond that, Neil Anderson for Mutual Fund Wire reports that the filing doesn’t indicate which types of ETFS will be launched.

Hancock is just the latest name in a growing list of them to either launch or state their interest in offering ETFs. PIMCO recently entered into the ETF industry. Charles Schwab has plans to launch an ETF family, and Grail Advisors is yet another new entry.

For more stories about ETF providers, visit our ETF 101 category.

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