How did the exchange traded fund (ETF) providers do in 2007?

Jim Wiandt for IndexUniverse takes a look at product issuer assets and their growth in 2007 and gives his overall opinion. The ETF industry is taking off, so here are a few points that he found from Matt Hougan’s league table.

  • Van Eck pulled in $3 billion in assets. Their niche products pulled off the timing and targeted the right products, he says.
  • State Street was up $60 billion, thanks to the SPY inflows which were at $100 billion at year’s end.
  • Rydex did a lot of growing on a little marketing. Up $5.5 billion, they’re poised to take it up a notch.
  • ProShares is winning the race on the coveted long/short and leveraged segment
  • PowerShares has $8 billion in assets, but counting QQQQ it’s $30 billion in new assets. Their European push is on everyone’s radar.
  • Vanguard wins on costs every time, Wiandt says, and they are the biggest story in the business.
  • iShares has $80 billion in new assets across many products and BGI continues to do everything right.
  • Claymore is up $1.5 billion and approaching $2 billion.
  • WisdomTree is seeing true inflows, up more than $3 billion to $4.5 billion.

Read the disclosure, as Tom Lydon is a board member of Rydex Funds.

The opinions and forecasts expressed herein are solely those of Tom Lydon, and may not actually come to pass. Mr. Lydon serves as an independent trustee of certain mutual funds and ETFs that are managed by Guggenheim Investments; however, any opinions or forecasts expressed herein are solely those of Mr. Lydon and not those of Guggenheim Funds, Guggenheim Investments, Guggenheim Specialized Products, LLC or any of their affiliates. Information on this site should not be used or construed as an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation for any product.