IndexIQ Advisors is waiting on the filing status of three exchange traded funds (ETFs) based on "intangible" qualities, such as innovation, power and productivity. The ETFs are:

  • ETFIQ Commodity Rotation
  • ETFIQ Country Rotation All World Ex-U.S.
  • ETFIQ Country Rotation Developed Markets Ex-U.S.

Trang Ho for Investor’s Business Daily spoke with Gus Fleites about the upcoming ETFs. Fleites is a veteran of ProShares and State Street Global Advisors who is now president of IndexIQ Advisors. Fleites says the price momentum strategy will be used to select the commodity ETFs because they follow a trend line for extended periods of time. As of August 2007, the Commodity Rotation holds base metals, silver, agriculture, gold, precious metals, oil and energy.

Factors involved in the country rotation portfolios include momentum, valuation and macroeconomics elements. The Country Rotation All World Ex-U.S. consists of larger weights in Austria, Germany, Netherlands, South Korea, Italy, Brazil and Mexico with smaller position in France and Malaysia, as of August 2007. Client interest is the primary reason behind the creation of two different country rotation ETFs, Fleites says.

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